Emotional and psychological part of design, Objects and User Experiences (O&UX) prioritizing the human answer of a product, wether is in the creative development and technical aspects of the its production or the use and behaviour connections that.
2020, 6 weeks project
Creating a product that addresses a humanitarian crisis (the water crisis in Yemen ) by creating an interactive product that engages the user with the cause encouraging them to participate.
I worked with Oxfam intermon charity reaching out to workers, volunteers and donors in order to have a first hand view about the working process and the chosen cause as well as creating a nutritive secondary research.
Direct relation between the use and accessibility that a person in a privileged country vs a person in Yemen have. Showing the measures of daily quantity of water used by people in Yemen in a portable quick-to-drink bottle.
The second iteration works on the quality aspect of the water, instead of the quantity. by showing a vending machine that has polluted water bottles the users place themselves in the position of a person whose options of water access are reduced and low-quality. while the user wouldn't drink these water bottles, it is the only way of access that people who suffer from this crisis have.
The use of a vending machine as the chosen object also allows the user to make instant donations the same way that a normal vending machine would collect money.
During the creation of this project secondary research and designs were made, such as infographics about the crisis and the way that the charity contributions or general surveys and deeper interviews to active members of the charity
This project aligns with The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) according to the The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Due to the nature of the design, its aim in society and the production methods, it focuses on Goal 1 "End poverty in all its forms everywhere" and Goal 6 "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all".